We'd like to announce an exciting new feature available within CMI Fixed Assets!
You now have the ability to consolidate several companies within CMI into a single main company!
Now a few simple steps can consolidate several companies at one time! For example, if you prefer to use the companies within CMI as separate locations or departments, but need to consolidate those to be able to print a multi-company report, you can now use the Consolidate Companies feature to do so.
To consolidate your companies within CMI Fixed Assets, thus creating a New consolidated company, the steps are as follows:
Tools -> Consolidate Companies -> New
The program will then prompt you to Enter a new consolidated company number. This will denote your main Consolidated Company.
Next you will be prompted to choose the member companies for consolidation. Select, using your mouse, the companies to be consolidated from the list of companies shown.
*Note: Each company you choose to consolidate must have the same number of characters in the asset numbers (shown under the Edit company screen, max. of 9 characters/digits long) and the same schedules (i.e. Tax, Book, State, etc).
You can then type in the Consolidated Company Name.
The User Field to Contain Member Company No. is just one of the ten User Defined Fields on the Edit Company screen. You can choose to use any of the ten fields. It will contain the number of the member company where each asset is located.
Then simply click OK in the top right corner of the Box shown above.
You can now print reports from your Consolidated Company that will show a consolidated list of all assets in the member companies selected.
*Note: Assets from company one will be marked with an A before each asset number, B for company two, and so on. For example, here you can see I had two of the same asset numbers in each company had an asset with the same number, thus asset number 94 from company one is denoted with an A while asset 94 from company two is denoted with a B. In this case where the asset descriptions are the same, the letters preceding the asset numbers serve as a means of differentiation between the assets in the consolidated companies.
In the first screen shot shown at the top of the post notice you also have the options under Consolidate Companies to Change or Update. The Change feature is used to add or remove Member Companies or otherwise make changes to an original consolidated company. Update is used after making changes to any member company as a means of updating those changes in the consolidated company to print up to date reports. Also, please be aware that changes to assets within the consolidated company ARE NOT PERMANENT! Changes to individual assets should be made in the specific member company.
The Consolidated Companies feature is available in the current version of CMI located under Downloads -> Updates on our website www.cmifixedassets.com.
If you have any questions concerning this feature or anything else related to CMI please contact us at 1-800-678-3658.