FYI - The announcement of the sale of CMI Fixed Assets to Pro Systems, Inc. went out to all current customers of CMI Software, Inc. back in August. At this point we'd like to share the announcement here in case anyone missed the original information from Ron Tolman, President/Owner of CMI Software Inc.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding CMI Fixed Assets or Pro Systems, Inc.
We can still be reached at 1-800-678-3658.
To: All CMI Fixed Assets Users
From: CMI Software, Inc. & Pro Systems, Inc.
Subject: Sale of CMI Fixed Assets
After some twenty six years of development, sale and support of CMI Fixed Assets by CMI Software, Inc. the time has come for us to hand this off to others. Pro Systems, Inc. has marketed and supported CMI Fixed Assets software under the name Pro Systems Fixed Assets since 1998. Effective July 31, 2012 Pro Systems, under the direction of Jon T. Foster, purchased CMI Fixed Assets software copyright and trade name.
Pro Systems has assumed responsibility for future development, sale and support of CMI Fixed Assets. The people you have been accustomed to working with, Kassi Mortensen in sales and support and Richard Hufford in software development, will continue to serve you.
Effective immediately please change your contact information for CMI Fixed Assets to Pro Systems, Inc., 5100 Reagan Drive, Suite #2, Charlotte, NC 28206. Pro Systems has been in business for over thirty years supporting CPA firms and small businesses with Client/Write-up and Payroll solutions, as well as managed IT services to secure your network and remote desktop support. A welcome letter will be forthcoming from Pro Systems with more details about the organization and solutions. All future payments on your account should be sent to Pro Systems, Inc, P O Box 620490, Charlotte, NC 28262. The telephone support number, (800) 678-3658, is unchanged. Support hours have been extended starting at 9 am EST through 5 pm PST.
Our relationship with you over the years in providing and supporting CMI Fixed Assets, in previous years named CFAAS and THE SYSTEM - Fixed Assets Accounting, has been much more than a pure business association. Some of you have been with us for the entire 26 years. We have been able to personally meet some, though not many, of you. Your suggestions, kindnesses and support have been important and rewarding to us. We sincerely appreciate you and your business association over these many years. You continue to be in good hands with Jon and all the folks at Pro Systems, Inc. They have a good background and many interesting ideas on how to move forward and continue to serve you.
Ronald C. Tolman
CMI Software, Inc.